Your First Visit

For All Appointments and Enquiries please call (08) 9310 1022

When you come for your first appointment please remember to bring your:

  • Referral letter
  • Medicare card, DVA card, Pension Card
  • Private Hospital Insurance information
  • X-rays, CT scans and relevant test results you have
  • Please have a list of your medications and previous significant operations and illnesses. This may be contained in the Referral letter from your GP.

At your first appointment you will be met by our Secretarial Staff and asked to complete a Patient Information Form and sign a Privacy Policy (to allow us to communicate with other medical doctors involved in your care).

Please come 10-15 minutes early to fill out these forms.

Alternatively, the forms can be filled out online before your appointment, click here.

At your first appointment Dr Baker will take a comprehensive history and conduct a physical examination.

The examination may include the neck, arms, abdomen, and legs. Please consider your choice of clothing.

Some Investigations may be necessary before a follow-up visit. These are usually Ultrasound, CT scans, occasionally MRI, and blood tests.

Dr Baker will explain his understanding of your condition and recommend a treatment plan. This will be tailored to your individual circumstances. He is open to your thoughts and questions.



For Appointments we ask for Payment on the Day

Your Medicare claim can be done Online, or a receipt can be provided for you to claim your Medicare refund.

If you need to cancel an appointment

Please telephone our office during business hours and allow at least a day’s notice so that we can offer your appointment time to patients on our waiting list.

We recognise that your time is valuable, and we make every effort to run on time.

Occasionally emergencies or patients require a little more time, and these cause delays beyond our control. We apologise if we keep you waiting.


Dr Baker’s Privacy Policy

Vascular Surgery WA complies with the Privacy Act (2001) and as part of their Privacy Policy, they are committed to protecting the privacy of individuals and their personal information. The purpose of collecting personal information is to provide quality medical and health related services and associated account keeping. Patients have the right to request access to their own information except where access would be denied. Vascular Surgery WA and Dr Baker make every effort to manage information in accordance with the National Privacy Principles and keep records up to date and accurate. Patients may withdraw consent for Vascular Surgery WA to use and disclose personal information (except when legal obligations must be met).

Agreeing to Vascular Surgery WA and Dr Baker’s Privacy Policy indicates that consent is given to:

  • Dr Baker collecting, using, storing and disposing of personal information.
  • The release of relevant personal information to other health professionals (e.g. Specialists, etc.).
  • In the case of a work related consultation or service, the release of relevant personal information to an employer, their authorised representative, and their insurer.